Business Description
For sale is a 24 year-old electronic parts B2B wholesaler. Based in California, the business employs nine full-time employees and ships parts from their warehouse. There is virtually no marketing — just word of mouth, repeat buyers, and natural growth.
Key leadership team is in place for the buyer to lean on (the COO and bookkeeper are two key employees).
Service side (3% of revenue): Included in this sale is also the sale of the repair service business. This repair business allows the parts side of the business to purchase certain name brand electronics that would otherwise be unobtainable. The one technician on staff is serving the local area. The owner believes there is huge growth potential on this side of the business simply by adding one more truck and a technician.
The business has benefitted from a pandemic bump as more people buy & repair these electronics, and this is continuing through 2021. Still, historically before COVID, the business produced an adjusted net income of just under $1M and then 2020 produced $1.4M. The business is SBA pre-approved.
Sign the NDA to get a detailed CIM and financials.